
Different Types of Start-up Business Financing Options

Start-up Business

Launching a new business venture is super exciting but costly. Securing enough business start-up loans and financing is challenging. Banks prefer lending to established companies with solid revenues. Start-ups lack credit histories, collateral, and proven track records.

Yet, having sufficient capital invested upfront is critical. Underfunded start-ups struggle to pay expenses before profits arrive. This increases early failure risks. Choosing appropriate loan options matching your specific needs and situation matters.

Key considerations include:

  • How much funding is required?
  • What are the expected costs and revenues?
  • What assets can secure loans if needed?

With limited financing choices for start-ups, picking wisely is vital.

1. Traditional Bank Loans

Bank loans seem like obvious start-up money sources. You visit your local bank or credit union. You explain your business plan and goals.

Banks want to minimise their lending risk. So, they look for strong personal credit scores. A score above 700 is ideal. They also want evidence you can repay. This means collateral like homes, investments or equipment. Your business plan must convince them too.

Another key requirement is personal equity investment. Banks prefer entrepreneurs to put their own money first. This “skin in the game” shows commitment. Salary histories, tax returns and references get checked.

If approved, bank loans are loans at set interest rates. Repayment terms might be 3-10 years typically. Longer options decrease monthly dues but cost more overall. Defaulting can mean seized collateral and ruined credit. Reporting requirements continue during repayment.

The pros of bank loans are lower rates than alternatives. Approvals boost credibility with future lenders, too.

Cons include:

  • Difficult approval requirements for unproven start-ups
  • Longer waits and more documentation
  • Collateral seizure risks if you can’t repay

But bank loans remain popular start-up funding sources.


Sometimes, approaching traditional lenders may not be possible due to their strict lending norms. Suppose you lack the collateral to secure the amount, a guarantor to back your loan repayment or a good credit score. In such scenarios, they do not hesitate to reject your loan applications.

What will be the alternative? You certainly have the alternative in the form of direct lender business start-up loans. These loans are available in the form of online loans and therefore, may guarantee instant loan decisions and funding.

Here are some features of these loans from direct lenders:

  • You may not need to put your assets to secure the loan amount
  • The loan process can be done on the same day only
  • These loans prove the best during the financial emergency
  • The interest rates will be on the competitive side.

2. SBA Loans

In the UK, support for small business loans comes from the British Business Bank. The Bank itself doesn’t directly lend money. But it facilitates start-up loans through partner lenders nationwide.

The flagship program is the Start Up Loan scheme. It provides personal loans of £500 to £25,000 for starting a business. Repayment periods are 1-5 years with fixed interest rates. Funds can cover any start-up costs like equipment, marketing, and premises.

There’s also the Enterprise Finance Guarantee (EFG) program. This supports loans up to £1.2 million for businesses under 2 years old. The Bank provides a 75% guarantee to lenders against the loan amount. This reduces risk, improving access to larger sums.

Key benefits of UK start-up loans include:

  • Reasonable interest rates and terms
  • No need for excessive collateral
  • Free business mentoring included
  • Lender confidence with government backing

The application process takes some paperwork but is navigable. Having finance projections and a polished business plan ready helps. ​

3. Business Credit Cards

In the UK, an often overlooked funding source is business credit cards. These are separate credit products just for companies. They provide flexible ongoing access to capital. This makes them useful for start-ups. Cards can cover gaps between making purchases and getting paid.

Most major UK banks offer business credit cards. Options include low-intro APRs and rewards programs. Limits tend to start around £1,000 for new companies. This provides starter funding without complex loan applications. Just complete a simple application with your business details.

Using business cards properly builds your company’s credit history. This separate record is important. It lets lenders assess your business’s creditworthiness later. Making full payments on time grows your credit line over time.

Key advantages of business credit cards include:

  • Fast access to working capital
  • Separating personal and business expenses
  • Building a business credit history
  • Extra financial output summaries and tools

They’re ideal start-up funding sources. Cards require little security and have flexible repayment schedules.

4. Personal Loans

When just starting, many entrepreneurs consider using personal loans for business funding. With no company revenues yet, you rely on your creditworthiness. You can approach banks, credit unions or online lenders. Amounts from £1,000 to £25,000 are common for unsecured personal loans.

The big advantage is quicker access to cash than business loans. There’s minimal paperwork asking for business plans or projections. Lenders simply assess your income, credit score and existing debts. Loans are unsecured so no collateral is required.

However, using personal loan money for a business comes with risks. You remain personally liable for repayments even if your start-up fails. Personal loans also lack the tax benefits that business loans provide.

Interest rates on personal loans vary from around 3% to 10%+ APR. Shorter terms of 1-5 years are typical. You’ll need to make consistent loan payments. This can strain cash flow for new businesses that are not yet profitable. Have a budget plan for making both personal and business expenses.

Personal loans may be appropriate for very small start-ups requiring modest funding. For instance:

  • Freelance businesses with low overheads
  • Online product retailers taking small start-up inventory
  • Local service companies like landscapers, pet groomers, etc.

Drawbacks like liability risk mean business loans are preferable when available.


Start-up entrepreneurs have numerous options for securing business loans. It can be from traditional bank loans to SBA-backed programs and online alternatives. Each choice has its advantages and requirements to weigh.

Many individual lenders are willing to help start-ups. 1one Finance is an online lender that specialises in giving loans at better rates and terms to start-up owners.

The right financing mix depends on your start-up’s goals, owner situation and growth plans. Carefully assess your creditworthiness, collateral, projected revenues and total funding needs. Don’t simply take whichever loan you can get approved for initially. Do thorough research upfront into each loan option’s costs and terms.

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